Film Portfolio
When studying Audiovisual Media – Directing, at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Utrecht I discovered my passion for telling stories. In my work I find it extremely important to show a realistic representation of reality through story-telling. My work is pure, taken from real-life, but with a cinematic touch. Through powerful and independent female protagonists I intentionally tell stories from a feminine perspective.
Unconsciously I also work with a lot of women on the set which creates a familiar and open atmosphere. A working atmosphere in which I feel at ease as a creator. I always spend a lot of time on the casting set, looking for someone who strongly resembles the main character. Through long rehearsal periods I try to focus on similarities, we talk a lot and bring up situations from the actors’ own lives, in order to create the richest possible character.

Ma Mere, et Moi
With this film I would like to address the complex theme; mother-daughter relationship. This relationship is so universal and full of tension and drama. My relationship with my mother is rather multifaceted and I would like to capture this in a film, in a light-hearted, playful way that everyone can identify with.
Menstrual products are seen as a luxury product in the Netherlands and many counties leaving women who can’t afford these products helpless. Spotless tells the story of many unheard women, and aims to open up the conversation and breaking the taboo about period poverty.

Under the Skin
The struggle and urge to belong to a group, at the expense of others. I became aware of this when watching famous American films, but in real-life this often happens in a very subtle devious way. In this film, I wanted to show how this kind of bullying can metaphorically get under your skin.
Femme was my first real film. While researching the relationship between siblings, I came across a weblog in which boys talk about their sexual development and that this is sometimes projected onto their sister. I wanted to explore this further through the film Femme.